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Educational and Informational Links for Hummingbirds

SC Sexton

Updated: May 13, 2022

Looking for information on Hummingbirds or maybe, tips, education or beautiful photos of these flying jeweled birds? I am compiling some links here in this post and if you have others to share, add them to the comments and I'll make the links available to other readers in this post.

Link for Tracking and Contributing Data on Hummingbirds with the Audubon Society App "Hummingbirds at Home"

Links for Feeding and Gardening for Hummingbirds

Hummingbird Eyesight and Color

This link will help you determine what USDA Growing Zone you live in for planting.

Here is a link for Tracking and Understanding Hummingbird Migration 2019 in the United States.

Hummingbird Identification Links

Photographers, Artists and Travel Destinations for Hummingbirds

Enrique Ascanio, Professional Photographer:

Hummingbird Pictures and "Hover":

Birding Guides for the United States

#howtochoseaHummingbirdfeeder #humminbirdfeederinformation #Hummingbirdidentification #hummingbirdinformation #habitsofhummingbirds #habitatforhummingbirds #whatisahummingbird #typesofhummingbirds #hummingbirdsofNorthAmerica #whatkindofhummingbirdisthis #GardeningforHummingbirds #flowersforhummingbirds #fuchsia #fuchsiaflower #growingfuchsiaforHummingbirds #HummingbirdArt, #HummingbirdColoringBooks, #HoverHummingbirdsoftheUnitedStates, #WheretofindHummingbirds #Hummingbirdlife, #HowdoHummingbirdsfly #whatdoHummingbirdseat #NectarforHummingbirds #ProblemswithmyHummingbirdfeeder #HummingbirdAppforHomeUse #HummingbirdsatHome #AudubonSocietyHummingbirdsatHomeApp #backyardbirding #guidetobirding #southcarolinabirdguide #hummingbirdart #hummingbirdphotography #traveltoseehummingbirds #southamericahummingbirds #beesinmyhummingbirdfeeder #batsinmyhummingbirdfeeder


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